Monthly Archives: February 2013

25 02, 2013

MRI Scans in BC not Over-prescribed

2013-02-25T19:52:00-05:00February 25th, 2013|MRI, MRI Vancouver|

A report published last December by the Fraser Institute showed that residents of BC faced the second longest wait times in the country for MRI scans in 2012. These numbers left many people--patients and healthcare professionals alike--confused and disappointed with the province's public health system. Were doctors prescribing unnecessary scans, slowing down an already inflated [...]

18 02, 2013

The Importance of Early MR Imaging for Minor Stroke

2013-02-18T19:15:35-05:00February 18th, 2013|MRI Vancouver|

Do you know the signs and symptoms of stroke? The longer a stroke goes untreated, the greater the potential for permanent brain damage or physical disability. A new Canadian study entitled 'Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke: Do it or Lose it' has found that minor stroke patients who receive early MR Imaging [...]

12 02, 2013

Dr. Google: When Self-Diagnosis Goes Too Far

2013-02-12T22:33:28-05:00February 12th, 2013|MRI Vancouver, Social Media and Health|

Not so very long ago, prospective patients relied completely on their doctors and nurses for health information. Whether it was diagnosing a serious illness, explaining symptoms the patient was suffering through, or giving  nutritional advice, doctors of yore were the sole gatekeepers of medical knowledge. These days, websites like Google or WebMD have given the population instant [...]

4 02, 2013

Taking MRI to the Molecular Level

2013-02-04T23:31:48-05:00February 4th, 2013|MRI|

As magnetic resonance imaging technology becomes more and more sensitive, some researchers are setting their sights on the nanoscale. Two independent teams of scientists--one in Germany, the other in California-- have recently been successful locating hydrogen atoms via nuclear magnetic resonance in samples mere nanometers across. "I want to push NMR and MRI to the molecular [...]

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