Monthly Archives: May 2014

22 05, 2014

Health Generalizations work for Populations, not Individuals

2014-05-22T22:02:39-04:00May 22nd, 2014|Uncategorised|

An article published in The Province on Tuesday entitled Health First: Brain tumours require quick action stresses the importance of a proactive approach to potential brain tumours: "For six months, Kim Jang knew there was something wrong with her six-year-old son," the article begins. "Various doctors attributed Nate's headaches and vomiting to anxiety because Jang had [...]

14 05, 2014

Will MRI Expose You to Radiation?

2014-05-14T19:49:40-04:00May 14th, 2014|Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Vancouver, Radiology, Whole Body MRI|

The word "radiation" is often preceded by its unsavory reputation. Known to many people as a leading cause of cancer, radiation is frequently feared and avoided. But the truth is that radiation is all around us, every day: both man-made and naturally occurring, both harmful and harmless. It is impossible to avoid radiation entirely, as [...]

6 05, 2014

What is MyCare?

2014-05-06T18:04:13-04:00May 6th, 2014|Cancer Research, Early Cancer Detection, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, MRI Vancouver, MyCare Insurance, Radiology, Whole Body MRI|

AIM Medical Imaging is proud to announce its partnership with Assured Diagnosis Inc., the owner and developer of the MyCare Programs in collaboration with world-renowned Mayo Clinic. AIM will be the provider of MRI services for MyCare members. What do AIM and MyCare-Mayo Clinic have in common? Healthcare philosophy, for starters: In addition to this patient-focused [...]

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