Monthly Archives: December 2014

16 12, 2014

How to Curb Overindulgence: MRI Study

2014-12-16T22:46:53-05:00December 16th, 2014|Brain MRI, MRI, MRI Research|

Are you looking forward to holiday treats and libations but dreading sluggish energy levels and extra weight come January? Turns out those feelings of dread might be the right approach to keeping off the pounds, according to a new MRI study.   Why are some people better at resisting food cravings than others? The answer [...]

12 12, 2014

High Blood Sugar Linked to Reduced Brain Growth: MRI Study

2014-12-12T19:06:41-05:00December 12th, 2014|Brain MRI, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

Every year as the holidays approach, pages are published about the havoc overindulgence will wreak upon your waistline. But perhaps taking a more holistic approach--body and mind--would be more apt, according to a new research. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels have a direct impact on the brain, a new MRI study has learned. Certain areas [...]

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