Monthly Archives: July 2016

28 07, 2016

Similarities in brains of children with autism, OCD and ADHD: MRI study

2016-07-28T17:05:44-04:00July 28th, 2016|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Canada, MRI Research|

A Canadian MRI study has found similarities in the brain scans of children with autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and ADHD. The team of Toronto researchers imaged the white matter of 200 young participants in the landmark study. Up until now, autism, OCD and ADHD have been classified and studied as three separate disorders, despite [...]

15 07, 2016

Lose weight by drinking more water: MRI study

2016-07-15T14:34:42-04:00July 15th, 2016|Brain MRI, Health and Canada, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

You're not hungry, you're thirsty. It's almost too easy: dieters everywhere have heard this advice for decades, but now it's been backed up by MRI science. The study, conducted by Wageningen University in the Netherlands, worked with 19 participants to collect the data. Done in three parts, the research looked at MRI scans of the stomach, [...]

8 07, 2016

Knee problems common in basketball players: MRI study

2016-07-08T15:32:36-04:00July 8th, 2016|Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology, Sport MRI|

While there are injuries inherent in every sport, few expose players to such fast-paced stop-start motions in the lower joints the way basketball does. (Squash is another sport that exposes players to jerking movements, but it has nothing on basketball in terms of popularity!) A recent study published June 22 in the Clinical Journal of [...]

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