Monthly Archives: May 2013

27 05, 2013

MRI Study Explains Science of Laughter, Why we are Unable to Tickle Ourselves

2013-05-27T21:04:28-04:00May 27th, 2013|MRI, MRI Research|

The science of MRI has officially confirmed what many people had already deduced for themselves--there is nothing funny about being tickled. Researchers at the University of Tuebingen in Germany used magnetic resonance imaging to scan the brains of 18 subjects, recording neural responses of three types of laughter: humorous and joyful laughter, mean-spirited, mocking laughter [...]

21 05, 2013

BC Launches New Colon Screening Program

2013-05-21T23:10:56-04:00May 21st, 2013|Cancer Research, Early Cancer Detection|

In Canada, drivers approaching the age of 80 are required to re-take their driving tests. There is no opting out; the re-test is a government-mandated preventive measure to ensure an individual unfit for driving is taken off the road before they become a danger to themself or others. Statistics for how many people this re-test has saved [...]

13 05, 2013

Could Brain MRIs Determine the Most Effective Way to Teach Children?

2013-05-13T20:31:47-04:00May 13th, 2013|MRI, MRI Research|

A new MRI study published in online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is the first to examine how brain structure and function may pre-determine how a person will learn mathematics. The study, published on April 29 and led by Stanford psychiatry and behavioral sciences professor Vinod Menon, quickly became controversial due to its [...]

6 05, 2013

Spring Months Designated for Cancer Research in Canada, US

2013-05-06T20:01:28-04:00May 6th, 2013|Cancer Research, Early Cancer Detection, MRI Research|

In North America, spring is the season that receives the most fervent welcome from a populace who has grumbled through the final winter months. It's fitting, then, that at a national level in Canada and the United States, April and May respectively have come to symbolize support for fellow citizens fighting cancers. April is Daffodil Month in [...]

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