Monthly Archives: March 2015

27 03, 2015

Prenatal Pollution Exposure May be Linked to Cognitive Problems: MRI Study

2015-03-27T19:52:03-04:00March 27th, 2015|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research|

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), found in large quantities in cities, are toxic particulates in the air caused by smoke, vehicle emissions, fossil fuels and other pollutants. Previous studies have linked exposure to PAHs to increased risk of suicide, and now a new study's findings may link prenatal exposure to PAHs to slower cognitive processing and [...]

20 03, 2015

Humans Ignore Habituated Security Warnings: MRI Study

2015-03-20T18:44:35-04:00March 20th, 2015|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

Have you ever driven an unfamiliar, winding highway as a tourist? Spotting locals is easy--they're the ones passing and speeding on the treacherous roads! People tend to get reckless as they grow increasingly familiar with their surroundings. Similarly, humans tend to ignore online security warnings once they've habituated to them, a new MRI study reports. [...]

6 03, 2015

Brain Differences Between the two types of Extroverts: MRI Study

2015-03-06T20:20:48-05:00March 6th, 2015|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

Many people have done a Meyers Briggs personality test (or something similar) to confirm whether they're one of two extremes: introvert or extrovert. The difference is basic: introverts need alone time to recharge their energies, while extroverts thrive and feel energized being around others. But of course there's more to these simplistic categories; there are [...]

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