Monthly Archives: March 2017

29 03, 2017

MRI may help determine depression treatment: MRI study

2017-03-29T14:25:28-04:00March 29th, 2017|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

A new MRI study published recently in the American Journal of Psychiatry examined the possibility of using MRI scans of of the brain to determine whether CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) or antidepressants would be the appropriate course of action for treating a patient's depression. The study, entitled  was performed by researchers from Emory University in [...]

20 03, 2017

Exercise and Osteoarthritis: MRI Study

2017-03-20T09:21:30-04:00March 20th, 2017|Canada, Health and Canada, Knee MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI arthritis, MRI Canada, MRI Research, Radiologist, Radiology, Sport MRI|

In something of a Catch-22, osteoarthritis patients are often instructed to exercise to alleviate some of their pain symptoms--but those same pain symptoms may prevent an exercise routine from being formed. Although many sufferers of osteoarthritis may wish to work out, the possibility of further injury is a daunting one. Recently, Canadian researchers tackled the [...]

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