
Medical Imaging

28 08, 2014

Processed Food is Addictive: MRI Study

2014-08-28T19:15:22-04:00August 28th, 2014|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research|

Experts have long debated the possibility of food addiction; many believe that a substance necessary for survival cannot be classified addictive. But with the proliferation of 24-hour grocery stores, tasty but nutritionally void convenience foods and even a "foodie" culture, it can be argued that the general attitude towards food in developed countries extends far beyond [...]

5 08, 2014

Brain Structures in Sciences and the Arts: MRI Study

2014-08-05T20:05:21-04:00August 5th, 2014|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI Research, Radiologist, Radiology|

In 1959, British physicist and novelist C.P. Snow delivered a lecture called The Two Cultures, an influential think piece in which he outlined how  many of the western world's problems were the result of  an intellectual barrier that exists between scientific and literary thinkers. Snow wrote: "A good many times I have been present at [...]

22 07, 2014

AIM Invited to NIST Conference on Quantitative MRI

2014-07-22T20:40:33-04:00July 22nd, 2014|Dr. Attariwala, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

Over July 14-16, AIM's Medical Director Dr. Raj Attariwala was invited to take part in NIST's Workshop on Standards for Quantitative MRI at NIST's headquarters in Boulder, CO. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), which was founded in 1901, is one of the oldest physical science labs in the United States. NIST supports the research and [...]

3 07, 2014

Life in Deep Space Accelerates Aging Process: MRI Study

2014-07-03T22:20:59-04:00July 3rd, 2014|Health and Canada, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology, Social Media and Health|

Canadian astronaut and online sensation Chris Hadfield piqued the interests of millions of people worldwide when he published breathtaking photos of the planet during his commanding stint aboard the International Space Station. He continued to make headlines upon his return, but for another reason--he lost one per cent of his bone density for each month [...]

11 06, 2014

Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy Linked with Infant Brain Defects: MRI Study

2014-06-11T22:35:07-04:00June 11th, 2014|Medical Imaging, MRI Research, Radiology|

A new study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology has linked antidepressant use in pregnancy to structural brain defects in the infants. According to the Canadian Women's Health Network, in 2003-2004, 14 per cent of women aged 25-39 (childbearing age) received at least one antidepressant prescription. SSRIs, which include Celexa, Cipralex, Lexapro, Luvoz, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft and [...]

4 06, 2014

Canadian Cancer Statistics 2014

2014-06-04T18:08:37-04:00June 4th, 2014|Cancer Research, Early Cancer Detection, Medical Imaging, MRI, Whole Body MRI|

The 2014 Canadian cancer statistics are in. The report, which is developed through collaboration with the Canadian Cancer Society, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Statistics Canada, as well as provincial and territorial governments, examines multiple facets of cancer's impact on Canadians, such as: incidence, type of cancers, survival rates, mortality rates and more. This [...]

14 05, 2014

Will MRI Expose You to Radiation?

2014-05-14T19:49:40-04:00May 14th, 2014|Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Vancouver, Radiology, Whole Body MRI|

The word "radiation" is often preceded by its unsavory reputation. Known to many people as a leading cause of cancer, radiation is frequently feared and avoided. But the truth is that radiation is all around us, every day: both man-made and naturally occurring, both harmful and harmless. It is impossible to avoid radiation entirely, as [...]

6 05, 2014

What is MyCare?

2014-05-06T18:04:13-04:00May 6th, 2014|Cancer Research, Early Cancer Detection, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, MRI Vancouver, MyCare Insurance, Radiology, Whole Body MRI|

AIM Medical Imaging is proud to announce its partnership with Assured Diagnosis Inc., the owner and developer of the MyCare Programs in collaboration with world-renowned Mayo Clinic. AIM will be the provider of MRI services for MyCare members. What do AIM and MyCare-Mayo Clinic have in common? Healthcare philosophy, for starters: In addition to this patient-focused [...]

18 03, 2014

20 Minutes of Exercise Boosts Test Performance: MRI Study

2014-03-18T19:34:01-04:00March 18th, 2014|Brain MRI, Medical Imaging, MRI, MRI Research, Radiology|

Have you ever opted to walk or bike to work instead of driving and noticed increased alertness and overall performance? A University of Illinois Study, led by Dr. Chuck Hillman, found that as little as 20 minutes of exercise can lead to better cognition and memory, and higher scores on tests and examinations. Using MRI, [...]

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