Add a health screen to your back to school list

It is that time of year again where the “To Do” list is covered with tasks that must be completed before the school year begins.

Before life becomes to hectic, running kids from school to soccer practice, we encourage you to add a preventative whole body health screen to your list!

The pencils and erasers that must be purchased are important, but don’t forget about your health!

Our preventative health screen only takes 90 minutes and is specifically designed to detect cancer, even in its preliminary stages.

The whole body preventative health screen will scan you from head to toe and allow you to see what you need to see, before you need to see it!

As summer winds down and before the busy school year takes over, call us at 604-733-4007 to book your preventative health screen.

2012-08-31T17:08:20-04:00August 31st, 2012|MRI Vancouver|

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