What to Expect at Your Aim Medical Imaging Appointment

If you’re a first-time patient of Aim Medical Imaging, you can anticipate a clean, hospitable and professional environment, but if you’ve never had an MRI scan before it’s difficult to know exactly what to expect. To help with that, we’ve recently updated our Google Places page so prospective patients can take a look inside our clinic, and, even though a picture tells a thousand words, we’ve decided to add a few paragraphs more:

MRI Machines Create a Powerful Magnetic Field

For us, this means that everyday objects containing metal such as scissors, staplers and even desk chairs can turn into dangerous projectiles if allowed to get too close to the magnetic field of the machine. For patients, this means that any clothing or jewellery containing metal must be removed before the scan. Patients at Aim, however, don’t need to worry about bringing a change of clothes or leaving their belts or earrings at home because we provide all patients with a private dressing room, cotton gown, and a key with which to lock up their valuables for the duration of their scan.

Aim Medical Imaging Uses a Siemens Open Bore MRI Scanner

-MRI machines have developed a notorious reputation amongst claustrophobic patients,Wide Open Bore MRI but our state-of-the-art scanner features a 70 cm Open Bore, allowing 30 cm of space above the face.

-The machine accommodates patients up to 550 lbs, as well as patients with mobility issues or kyphosis.

-Patients arriving for a routine MRI scan of the knee or spine are often surprised to learn that the scan can take place with their head outside of the machine.

-MRI technology has come a long way since the first successful scan in 1977, but patients should expect a moderate noise level during the scan, even with state-of-the-art scanners like ours. To help patients relax during their scan, we have an iPod dock onsite and our technologist is happy to take music requests or communicate with you via our radio system.

Immediate ResultsImmediate Results – The Aim Difference

We know that waiting for MRI results can produce a great deal of anxiety, which is why we have a radiologist onsite to deliver results to patients immediately after their scan. Each patient we see leaves with a digital copy of their results on CD-ROM, but also–and most importantly–with answers.

2012-11-19T18:12:28-05:00November 19th, 2012|MRI Vancouver|

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