Residents of BC Faced Second Longest Wait Times for MRI in 2012


Although wait times for MRI scans have gone down in BC over 2012, the province is tied with Nova Scotia for the second-longest wait times in the country. With a median waiting time of 16 weeks, Prince Edward Island has the longest diagnostic interim out of the Canadian provinces, followed by BC and Nova Scotia at 12 weeks, and Newfoundland at 11 weeks.

The province of Ontario leads the way in diagnostic imaging in Canada with the shortest wait times for Ultrasound, MRI and CT scans.

These findings and others can be found in the Fraser Institute’s Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Healthcare in Canada 2012 report.

Across all 10 provinces, an estimated 870, 462 procedures are keeping patients waiting. According to the Fraser report: “This means that, assuming that each person waits for only one procedure, 2.5 per cent of Canadians are waiting for treatment.”


2012-12-10T17:32:04-05:00December 10th, 2012|MRI Vancouver|

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