Dementia is on the rise, but fortunately so are solutions for preventing it. A new MRI study has linked smaller size of certain brain structures–such as hippocampi–to an increased risk for dementia. People who are aware that they may be at higher risk may then make greater efforts to fight it–strengthening the brain through cerebral exercises and through diet.
The MIND diet in particular (that’s Mediterranean Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is being heralded as the best dietary intervention plan for combating cognitive decline. Preliminary studies have shown that adherents of the MIND diet lowered their risk for developing Alzheimer’s by 54 per cent.
The diet, by week, encourages:
Unlimited – dark, leafy greens, vegetables, whole grains
5 times per week – nuts
3 times per week – berries, beans
Twice weekly – poultry
Once weekly – fish
The MIND Diet also recommends olive oil for cooking, and, in moderation, red wine.
It also recommends that you avoid (as best you can) butter, margarine, pastries, sweets, cheeses and fried or fast foods.