We use MRI to determine if chemotherapy is working

Millions of people suffering from cancer are treated using chemotherapy and often times the toxic treatment fails to kill off the deadly tumor cells.

A recent article published online on News Medical drew attention to advanced MRI scanning techniques that can image the cancerous cells to determine if the chemotherapy is indeed working.

According to the article, special software and MRI scanners were used to study 55 American men and women with liver and pancreatic cancer.  The article said that this technique was able to reveal if the chemotherapy was doing its job or if the patient needs a higher-dose.

Although the article presented this as a new or breakthrough method, at AIM Medical Imaging we have been applying this technique to the whole body, not just the liver and pancreas, since 2009.

We have assembled unique state-of-the-art technology that has the ability to not only to show if chemotherapy is destroying the cancerous cells, but it can also be used to detect cancer in the first place.

Our preventative health screen can scan the whole body from head to toe, to find any medical abnormalities.

“We are considered the worldwide leader in MRI scanning techniques,” said Dr. Raj Attariwala, medical director and radiologist at AIM Medical Imaging.

Dr. Attariwala is regularly asked to attend and speak at medical conferences worldwide to speak about the MRI techniques used at AIM Medical Imaging.

The office was buzzing about this article. We are happy to see this technique reported on and its advantages promoted, as we have been offering this service for years right here in Vancouver.

Check out the article for yourself right here: News Medical

2012-07-03T16:13:55-04:00July 3rd, 2012|MRI Vancouver|

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