MRI displays the link between sleep loss and obesity

Research has discovered that there is a link between sleep loss and obesity, according to an online article published on Medical News Today.

MRI scans used in the study revealed that sleep deprivation impairs the high-order regions in the human brain where food choices are made said Medical News Today.

The article said that the correlation between sleep loss and obesity was determined using MRI to examine 23 healthy adults in two sessions; one session after a regular night’s sleep and the second after a night of sleep deprivation.

In each session, while the participants were insides the scanner, Medical News Today said that the adults were shown images of various food items and were told to rate how much they desired the item in each image.

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To see the article on Medical News Today, click here: Medical News Today

2012-06-26T20:31:59-04:00June 26th, 2012|MRI Vancouver|

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